Tuesday, June 19, 2007


Monday, January 08, 2007


In my contention that Bush knows exactly what he is doing, I write:

Below Chris Floyd mirrors the contention in my artcle of Saturday, January 06, 2007, of the above title in red. See my blog predictions a few scrolls down from these suggested readings.
| New Oil Law Means Victory in Iraq for
Chris Floyd reports: "The reason that George W. Bush insists that 'victory' is achievable in Iraq is not that he is deluded or isolated or ignorant or detached from reality or ill-advised. No, it's that his definition of 'victory' is different from those bruited about in his own rhetoric and in the ever-earnest disquisitions of the chattering classes in print and online. For Bush, victory is indeed at hand."

Saturday, January 06, 2007
They just don’t get it do they? Columnists, politicians, pundits, Liberals, Moderate Republican’s and Dems, writer’s for most newspapers, Online Bloggers, and Online Magazines, study institutes-think-tanks, all keep saying the war is senseless and they don’t understand why Bush won’t concede to pull out.

How freaking clueless can, they get? The war does have a purpose… to Bush the purpose is crystal clear, steal all the oil, all the profits, all the Iraqi businesses, auction them off to men without souls or conscience's and send two trillion in contracts to the No-bid thieves, which can later be funneled into the 2008 campaign-kick-backs that appear legal.

The Bushites are making new millionaires, billionaires all beholden to Bush. They have stolen a trillion dollars from the American Treasury, money taken from the poor, from Social Security, from New Orleans, from the middle class, and they are making Iraq a laboratory of what they mean to do here. They are practicing how to destroy the will of a people in a foreign laboratory which ultimate target is stealing as much money as possible right under the noses of the rest of the world. Stealing money best used to make better lives for the most people, which use is converted to make life, instead, incredibly more luxurious for a handful of fascists, and simultaneously, initiate the destruction of the will of American workers, children, mothers, grandparents, and young people.

Bush lied to manipulate America into a war, exposing to the world that Hitler's hypnosis of the German people, was not as much an anomaly as we thought. Now the No-Bid recipients don't have to hire a private army of pirates to attack Iraq. Bush, instead has sacrificed the lives and limbs of the sons and daughters of American families to enrich opportunistic, greedy, despicable, Slobs. He manipulated men who should know better, (our congressmen and the news media), men who did not perform Due-Diligence in the carrying out of their duties, some who never even read the Patriot Act before voting to pass it. They, including the Democrats who also were incompetent in the passage of the Patriot Act and The Military Commissions Act of 2006, should also be impeached along with the Anti-Christ, Bush. Lieberman, and Hillary included

I warned my congressmen, my friends and many in the media, there are no WMD’s, I said, because if they had them they would have used them, and even if there were no single nation nor coalition can sustain an invasion or mount an attack upon us. It would take the entire Euro-Union, Russia and China to mount a sustained attack and invasion of America.

When Bush took office, Secretary of Treasury, Paul O’Neil and Chair of the FED Alan Greenspan had agreed to take the 5.6 Trillion surpluses which Clinton had accumulated, and put 3.6 trillion into Social Security. It never happened, Bush had spent the money on his corporate pals before O’Neil or Greenspan could move it.

Clinton was blocked by the Republicans from dispersing the money and so later were Greenspan and O’Neil. The whole 5.6 Trillion, plus all the war budgeted money, more than 2 trillions, went to a handful of already multi-million-to multi-billionaire Neo-Con industrialists.

This war as much about taking away money that should have gone to the American people, and for programs such as Social Security, Healthcare coverage, Jobs, small businesses and eliminating outsourcing, as it was about oil and stealing the Iraqi people blind. Bush won’t get out because he hasn’t drained Iraq completely and he hasn’t as yet set up the situation, which if the Fascists win in 2008, if Bush is not impeached, indicted, tried and sentenced, for his war crimes against the Iraqi's and against our own troops, and his economic crimes against tens of millions of Americans, America will look like Iraq in five years.

The spying on has nothing to do with stopping terrorism, Bush wants a terrorist attack so he can blame the Dems, and he will precipitate or stage one if Bin Laden, still Bush’s good friend, doesn’t pull one off.

The spying on our internet travels, Email, Phones, Snail-mail, library books lists, and more, has nothing to do terrorism and everything to do with grabbing dissidents and getting rid of them so all that will be left are Neo-cons, Right-Wing traitors, fascists, most of which will grow into Nazi’s.

Either GW Bush has lied about life and death decisions or he is dumb, foolish, or psychotic, and therefore incompetent, so he is not trustable. When a man puts private, profiteering above altrusim, he can be trusted in no endeavor, to do the right thing, therefore, I beleive we may see a civil war if Bush does not get what he wants by 2009. That is why he must be stopped, so Nancy Pelosi, and the rest, wake the hell up for crying aloud! This attitude of white kid-gloves treatment of a murderer, the Anti-Christ, who may be the new Hitler, looks more like cowardice than politeness. You cannot reason with a Demoniac!

Get your heads out of the sand and go after that war criminal and get him out of office or we will all live to regret it!

Posted by PETE BAGNOLO at 6:12 PM
Pete's Voting Record: Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Nixon, Ford, Reagan, Reagan, Independent, Clinton, Clinton, Gore, Kerry.

Posted by PETE BAGNOLO at 3:00 PM


Aelfric said...

I like your post, but am disappointed by your refusal to accept anonymous postings. It is a fact of life that you have to grow up and just deal with immature ppl who might use the anonymity to spam or post inane prattlings. Just something you gotta get used to. Because of the very real threat and possibility of surveillance on the web, you must understand that your refusal to allow anonymous posts makes ppl like me think, whether warranted or not, that maybe you yourself may not be who you say you are. Why would I say whats really on my mind if I know that my information with my name is out there in cyberspace? I do not feel free to express what I really think because I cannot be anonymous. I don't know who you are....the fact that you demand my information in order to post makes me think the worst. Are you an agent provocateur? Are the postings you blog about meant to entrap those who think you are on the up and up? This will be my only post to you ever. I do not trust that whatever I say will not be used against me. I am aware that this is my problem, I am not trying to make it yours. I am just saying that you miss out on ppl who might be able to give more feedback, but won't because we don't want our information out there. So, whether or not you intended to get rid of immature ppl, they have already won. If you don't allow ppl the freedom to express themselves without fear that it may come back on them, then for what is the blog?I think you defeat the purpose. Again, my problem, but your loss.


All you have to do is simply Google me:
Professor Emeritus Peter Bagnolo
and you will see who I am.
I think you are a bit paranoid however, so I advise prayer to build fearlessness, or simply don't post comments anywhere. There is no way I will ever allow anonymous posts on my blog. In many cases crimes are committed, threats are made, and I want to authorities to know who the crazies are. If I did not take that approach, criminals would go unpunished. You have ample places to read my blogs on several other sites that will allow anyone who signs in to comment. Many of the blogs here have been published elsewhere first, so Google:
Professor Emeritus Peter Bagnolo
and take your pick of several sites for which I write and I welcome you there. But this is simply my home archive, not a public forum, it is a testing place often for those blogs I wish to post elsewhere for my friends to see and critique before I publish them to more public sites.
Thanks anyway for writing.