Wednesday, December 13, 2006
There was this drug company and it had a fiasco…(That is how I wanted to write this story, but they wouldn’t even let me, so here is how I wrote it.)
A friend who is a research supervisor at Drughem, Drainhem, Intoxifyhem and Buryhem Inc., the manufacturer of drugs, pesticides, solvents and toxic waste, gave me this story.
What do they make, you ask? That IS the product-they simply manufacture toxic waste as in the Quiz-show line “Congrats! You won a Toxic waste garbage disposal Unit and a years supply of non-disposable, toxic waste.”
How do they know it is toxic waste they are making?? Simple, first, they flood streams, aquifers and wells, with pesticides, nuclear waste, solvents and herbicides. And then they wait to see how many babies are born with the antlers of a moose, the head of a collie and the IQ of a avacado.
Then they use what’s left to advertise as cures for a variety of common maladies, and even for simple human inconveniences, like: Blinking, sleeping, not sleeping, eating, not eating, being too ugly, too handsome, being too smart, or too dumb, for having too much anxiety, or being too calm, snoring or being unable to snore like a normal goof, having too much sex, (an addict? I can think of worse addictions.)
One commercial goes: “Are you always looking for a corner out of sight, in which to pee? When you do if a pretty girl walks by and you turn your head to look, do you often pee on your shoes? Do you sometimes find yourself tapping your fingers, or twisting your curls? Do you, when addressing strangers, if asked an innocent question like, where is your keeper, perform a series of sudden cartwheels, or do you resort to tomfoolery?”
If so, you may be suffering from Sillywillieness syndrome. Never heard of it you say? Aha, that is another of its most insidious symptoms! You may need SillyWilly Hydrochloride (SWH). With SWH, as soon as you are asked a question of any sort, even in the classroom, the cartwheel is intercepted in mid-air and you are suspended there until the next question, after which the cartwheel is resumed, but sideways.
Another drug is for watery eyes and sneezing. God forbid that you should have the inconvenience to sneeze, or cry. Now, when your eyes dry up and your sneezes start backfiring out through your ears, they add a drug which floods your eyes and eventually the room, and allows you to start sneezing again, but through your navel. This propels you around the flooded room like a jet boat until you reach the door.
One drug is for those who have trouble with sex, it is called GYTITUP HCL (or GTPH). It advocates that if you have an attack of priapism, which lasts four hours, or more see your doctor for a cure to the problem immediately! I say if you have an erection for four hours or more take a time-lapse video of it to show all the guys and then take out an ad with pictures in every women’s magazine on the planet, soliciting their help in curing the problem, even if it takes days.
They have another drug for constipation. The side effects are that some people start "going" for days at a time, until their wives put them in the barn with the horses. (Some of the wives whose husbands are suffering from chronic priapism (with or without GTPH) are also putting their husbands in this barn.
They also have a drug for women who suffer from lazy libido. It emits synthesized pheromones of the African Great Ape, the wild stallion, the German Shepherd, and the Musk Ox, and so powerful is it that neither the women nor the male object of their affection can resist its sexual motivator. It is called FRIGIDNO HCL (FGDNO HCL); it stimulates their libido until their husbands begin to whine in a strange tongue and are struck by fear and terminal flaccidity.
The husbands of wives, who have become drug-induced, chronic Nymphomaniacs, have now resorted to sticking their wives in the same barn as described above.
In the TV commercial, the side-effects are explained as only occurring in less than 90% of the patients, pleasantly sing-songed to the tune of “Someday My Prince Will Come”, while the women are told by a soft voiced motherly announcer, that, “You may experience fatal episodes of death-call your doctor or an undertaker should this occur.
Also, beware of certain attacks by humping dogs, which are strangely attracted to women who take FGDNO HCL, and, oh, yes, try to avoid visiting zoos which have Musk Oxen, Apes, Stallions, and Wild Dogs. If you should become pregnant and give birth do not be alarmed if your first born more resemble a whinnying dog with a mane, the hairiness of an ape, the face and the odor of a Musk Ox, because with each succeeding litter, these anomalies will decrease and become more humanlike, until offspring merely resemble a hairless ape with a mane and the face of a hairless Musk Ox which barks and whinny’s.
They also have a drug for laziness, which motivates you to action. One guy shoveled manure out of his barn for 48 consecutive hours, then scrubbed it clean as a whistle, remodeled it, equipping it with 10 bedrooms and showers, of which the priapist’s and nymphomaniacs who were banished there by their mates, met and made good use.
With all of this sex occurring, they came up with a drug for women to prevent pregnancy and avoid their period. It is made from the venom of the rattlesnake and the Black Widow Spider, and is called BARREN&DEDLI HCL (BRD HCL)
In their commercials, a soft voiced man or woman, speaks gently to the tune of : “Someday My Prince Will Come, But I Hope Not Very Fertilely”, with a very pleasant, calming voice, casually, but in an upbeat and matter of fact manner informs prospective buyers of the drug, that: “Do not be alarmed if each month instead of a period, you begin to shed your skin, and if right after sex you attack and sting to death your mate. These are normal side effects of the drug and are nothing about which to be concerned. Besides this tendency will lessen in time, and if not we will supply you with an anti-venom to inject into him right after sex.
"Also do not be concerned if on occasion you have yearning to grab and eat spiders, flies and other small insects, after all it didn’t seem to effect Renfield that much, until Dracula bit him again.”
Overall, I do not think public advertising is too bad. So what if it undercuts physicians and seems to promote drug addiction? We have street drug dealers, why can’t your neighborhood pharmacy be in on the action, legally? And so what if some doctors allegedly receive some form of kickback for prescribing drugs, don’t Pimps get a fee for their services?
Posted by PETE BAGNOLO at 10:14 AM Links to this post
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Note: The term Neo-Fascists applies to anyone who advocates force over reason, who espouses the elimination of Habeas Corpus and freedom, especially of the press. If the shoe fits..., a rose by any other name...!
Even now, no one gets it completely. Everyone; senators, representatives, those who wish to run for president, pundits, the DNC, the organizations which mobilized the forces that led to the 2006 Democratic victories, even most Republicans don’t get it… yet. It is but it isn’t just about the oil. It is and isn’t just about sadomasochism. It is and isn’t just about fascism, and it certainly isn’t about Christianity, but as long as the Neo-Fascists can make use of Christainity, they will pretend it is about Christianity.
Decades ago I had a dream; tanks in the streets at night, bumper to bumper, like in a parking lot, going by my window at eye level. I’ve had that dream several times since. In the dream, the fascists had taken over America. They had provoked attacks upon Americans to stampede and disorganize the people, and keep them in a constant state of war, and terrorism. Then, once ignited, the flames of the new Holocaust were kept alive by Neo-Fascists pouring kerosene on the fires instead of putting them out.
To the Neo-Fascists, in my dream, murder, shock, awe, terrorism and war were the tools of disorganization of the masses, rendering them incapable of fighting back or even knowing whom to fight, and while they are busy being bewildered and scared, the Neo-Fascists have and will continue to steal them blind.
In my dream, the stock market plummeted and a depression blossomed; millions were out of work and starving across the planet. The Neo-Fascists led America into one war after another, refused to listen to anyone, and simply ignored morality, ethics, law and everyone was amazed, and few tried to stop them. The Bushites manipulated Israel into war, and dragged America in as well. They ignored all studies and cherry picked suggestions for foreign diplomacy, so they could continue The Treasury Rape of The Ages and the complete annihilation of Freedom and equality.
In that dream, in each country where the Neo-Fascists had spread panic and war, they stole everything of value; mortgages, bank accounts, stocks, land, homes, businesses, and auctioned everything off to their friends. They simply ignored the law, made new laws destroying Democracy, and put into place their version of royalty, made up of weathy industrialists, and packed the courts with fascists, and followed up with unconditional rejection of any dissent. They simply destroyed anyone who questioned them or got in the way.
Terrorists and soldiers had long lists of enemies in America and they went door-to-door assassinating or capturing those on the lists. They enslaved the strong and the rest, millions, tens of millions, they slaughtered.
In the dream, in no time a handful of American and British Fascists, owned everything of value, which existed. It was an Old Testament slaughter, ban, rape and steal. If anyone protested, they were murdered and there was no one to stop them. The number tortured exceeded the grand total of all people who were ever tortured in the history of the world.
I dreamt it again last night.
In these dreams, there were alternative versions, and in one, the Neo-Fascists extended the shock and awe and expanded the war until they are stopped by indictment and impeachment. They wanted not just the oil, but complete domination of YOU. They also wanted the power and freedom they denied others, and they wanted everything you and everyone else owned. The Neo-Fascists pals hadn’t even begun looting world treasuries. They wouldn’t stop until they had it all, everything everyone ever owned and until they had enslaved the entire world.
In that dream version, not a single Democrat got it, not yet, you could tell because they were trying to be reasonable with the Neo-Fascists . One cannot reason with sociopathic, demoniacs. They may learn too late. However, the leadership of the violence and freedom stealing, was be impeached, and indicted. They and all the industrialists, the lobbyists, all who profited by the war, would only do it again if they were not disempowered. They were all be stopped and put away where they could never do harm to anyone again.
WW II General Dwight D. Eisenhower and General Douglas MacArthur and others, warned us about wealthy, "conservatives" and their ries to the Military Industrialist Complex, which combination ignited WW II, but no one heard and certainly, no one listened.
They didn’t listen before the war when prophets spoke out, just as they turned a deaf-ear when American Fascists in Ohio, Texas and elsewhere defended Hitler before and during WW II, and they are acting the same way now, as American fascists defend the Neo-Fascists the true, modern day Anti-Christs. Nancy Pelosi has lost her killer instinct to politeness, and aside from Kennedy and a few others, a silence has swept over the land.
This is 1932 all over again, and everyone is afraid to disagree with the Fascists, they've forgotten, "... all you have to fear, is fear itself...".
In my dreams, the Neo-Fascists had established their initial Dachau, Auschwitz-Birkenau, Belzec, Chelmno, Majdanek, Sobibor, and Treblinka-like communities, in countries they controlled or had bought.
First, they fed the death camps political prisoners, Democrats, Communists, trade unionists, habitual criminals, homosexuals, Jehovah's Witnesses, beggars, vagrants, then True Catholics, and when they had complete control, some bright spring morning, they turned on and ate the Christian Right for lunch . After that, they began shooting large numbers of dissidents in open fields and on city streets, planting evidence of terrorist materials on them or in their homes for justification
Later they created a more secluded and scientifically expedient method of killing. Extermination centers were established in other nations like Iraq, Afghanistan, Egypt and elsewhere, and there and here they established Mammoth, mass-production Death Factories, spurred on by Christian Right Organized fanatics, before they too became targets of the Neo-Fascists .
Soon millions more died in ghettos, concentration camps (as enslaved laborers), and from execution, malnutrition, exposure, brutality, and disease. Aids and HIV were injected into many, for the Neo-Fascists to study. They would all die, which was nothing to the Neo-Fascists who have made murder and profiting from wars their way of life for generations.
Either of these alternatives may happen, depending on whether or not Americans wake up and perceive the parallels to Germany in the 1930's and 1940's. All of this may happen because Americans did not take the unmitigated evil of avarice, the plague of those wealthy who are greedy, seriously. “Greed is good”, we were told, and not just by Gecko in the film, WALL STREET, but by the government, even the church, which established its own private greed farm system, holding young, wealthy, Catholic, materialists up as an ideal. (Opus Dei?)
All of this, in the face of Jesus’ Rejection of the Temptation in The Wilderness and his constant criticism and rejection of avarice and excessive materialism, which followed the same pattern of God Almighty and the prophets’ own excoriating of those wealthy who were avaristic.
Avarice, the only evil without mitigation, has been hugged to the bosom of some Organized Religions, and the Bushite broken promise of Faith based initiatives may well have bought him the support of a pope.
However, all can be avoided in the following way: Prayer for the conversion of the violent, the bigoted, the avaristic, the blasphemous and the theocrats, and that failing by spring of 2007, for their indictment and incarceration.
Don’t you get it, America? The Neo-Fascists embody the Anti-Christ and they and everyone who defends them must be put away in a rubber room, with a large bath tub (rub a-dub-dub, lots of fascists in a tub) for them to float their rubber duckies and be kept in isolation, poverty, and chastity, forever. We can let them play Monopoly with fake money and war games like Risk with toy soldiers, just to keep them happy, but we can never let them out. Whatever virus is effecting their minds, cannot be allowed to infect others. Avarice is a physical/mental illness of the worst sort and those that have it must be quarantined and kept from reproducing more of the same and from harming any one else ever again.
We need to invoke Our Lady of Fatima as we did to convert Russia, now to convert America. Recall when She, the Mother of Jesus, dressed in white and golden trim, was taken door to door, for a gathering of neighbors to pray for the conversion of Russia?
I ask you now, to Pray as though actions were worthless, and take action, as though prayers were.
Pray and take action, until there are neither the incredibly never satisfied, mega-riche' nor the poor. Spread the wealth to those who lack it by taking it away from the avaristic who stole it from the rest of the world, as the Bushites are busy stealing it from us and the Iraqi's, with unforgivable gas prices and spending billions for murder....and ask God to forgive each of us for all our imperfections, and for everyone we have ever offended, and to forgive everyone who has ever offended us.
Forgive and incarcerate- lock up, the Evil Ones, and then in a creative act of Enlightened rehabilitation and protection of the innocent..., melt down the keys and throw them away.
Posted by PETE BAGNOLO at 7:48 PM Links to this post
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
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