Monday, July 17, 2006
Please watch for my new novels:
and the book on my art
All due on the market before the holidays
Posted by PETE BAGNOLO at 2:05 PM Links to this post
Many communities lacking well-informed, properly educated citizens and employees on the mosquito control issue, have fallen into the trap of spending unwisely and possibly placing their constituents in grave physical danger. According to reports, it is alleged that the surest means of eradicating mosquitoes, if they are a radical health danger, which they are allegedly not always, is to seed standing water, ponds, leaf and wood chip piles and other mosquito dwelling places, with bacilli, sterile male populations, oil-water cover, and natural Pyrethrum; all of which kill larvae effectively. Spraying for adult mosquitoes is reported to be widely ineffective, killing less than 1% to 7% of adult mosquitoes. Moreover, it poses grave threats to health and ultimately to life, even among humans. There also appears to be no public assessment by unbiased medical toxicologists as to what the tolerance level of individuals is for such toxins. Increasing the dosage of the adult mosquito killing toxins would probably make them more dangerous to humans than they are already. Moreover, it is said that, after a time, the mosquitoes become immune to the toxic poisons used to kill them, while humans only become more vulnerable to them.
It has not been publicly advertised or to our knowldge investigated: If or whether the chemicals used in spraying for adult mosquitoes interferes with medications people may be taking; or if the chemicals may cause adverse drug interactions; nor if they may pose extreme health hazards to certain people with allergies and other afflictions; nor if these chemicals represent, in addition to certain immediate symptoms, (which some victims may not recognize as resulting from pesticide applications), certain long term mental, body-health altering lifetime illnesses; nor has advertising or public information been delivered concerning the effectiveness of applications for adult mosquitoes and/or the personal dangers and symptoms that may result from applications for adult mosquito spraying; nor has the public been informed of the odds against being infected by each disease the pesticide companies claim to be carried by mosquitoes since 1999 in Northern Illinois, or the number of deaths since nationally state by state. One wonders what the medical profession has to say about the above and when they will begin to look into the problems cited here.
If public information ios accurate, in 8 years, 670 have died nationally. Of a population of 320,000,000 x 8 years, that is less than 84 deaths nationally a year for the entire nation. That is considerably less than the number which have been afflicted or died of asthma and a number of other ailments, nor has spraying for adult mosquito populations changed that, nor have those who profit from it informed the citizenary, town by town, state by state, why they risk making tens of thousands ill from pesticide spraying for Live Adult mosquitoes. Are they guilty of using fear tactics to panic some communities into spraying for Live Adult mosquitoes and not mentioning such small numbers of deaths and the generally mild nature of some of the diseases known to be associated with mosquitoes in Northwestern Illinois and the risky side effects of spraying? For instance, those profiting have not proved to have effectively reduced mosquito populations by spraying for adult mosquitoess, nor ever refrained voluntarily from spraying in communities where the odds are even greater against anyone dying or even becoming seriously ill than the national odds. In Illinois in 2003, one person died of West Nile making the chances of dying of West Nile that year greater than 15,000,000 to 1. In 2003, the epicenter of the disease has moved west with most cases appearing in western states. Why, then must 15,000,000 in Illinois be placed at risk because one person died in 2003? The answer $$$$$, there is lots of it in spraying for adult mosquitoes and more when chemicals rather than natural sources are used, and even more when the companies spraying makes their own chemical, witch's brew.
Since it has been alleged that pesticides are heavily implicated in breast and ovarian cancer among women, and pesticides are alleged to be implicated, in the proliferation of Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases, and that perhaps spraying for adult mosquitoes is, by and large, ineffective, killing less than 1%-7% of adult mosquitoes at each spraying, after which it is alleged that the adult mosquito population then increases exponentially), and that the products in use appear to affect and cause a variety of human negative reactions and that a number of communities of well-informed government officials, who truly care about their constituency, rather than merely as tax-cash-cows, seeing this information have discontinued spraying for adult mosquitoes completely. It has been alleged that spraying for Adult Mosquitoes, is primarily a profit-making venture and no more than a cosmetic, placebo, gesture, and if so, is therefore unnecessary and preys upon the weaknesses and fears of those not properly informed to make sufficiently well informed decisions about such matters.
Since drug application by the oath and law of those administering drugs, weigh the benefits against the dangers, it is our contention that such has not been done in the case of spraying for adult mosquitoes and if it were there would be no spraying for Adult Mosquitoes and that therefore citizens cannot make an informed and safe decision about such matters. Present your local mosquito control board with FOIA requests if your state has such measures, otherwise petition municiple or county authorities for contact information about those who are getting ill from the spraying, contact those people and form a powerful voice of reason in stopping the useless contamination of water, air and human vessels with pesticides.
The inducement of fear, found so effective by the current administration in Washington to selling scams to the severely, poorly informed public, continues to be a factor in selling every kind of snake oil for every single poorly perceived and worsely researched fraudulent End-of-Days, scenario. Is it now true, as some are claiming, that in the last five years Europeans and the Chinese have surpassed Americans as the best educated and unformed citizens on the planet? Well, at least more so than 54,000,000 who voted for the current Anti-Christs and his followers here and in Great Brition and in the low art of panic-peddling.
PS-While we invite knowledgeable persons who do not work for or are associated with pesticide companies to post non-toxic comments, we are certain that negative comments concerning this blog will appear and past experience has taught us that such comments are usually from those who may profit from use of such chemicals or of uniformed sycophants and puppets of same.
Posted by PETE BAGNOLO at 1:47 PM Links to this post
The planned destruction of FDR’s legacy, Social Security, through Privatization is yet another Corporate-Welfare scam. More than 90% of those who play the stock market lose money, those who need it most would be prime targets for wealth draining frauds and most of the rest would lose money in the market.
The government would be better served by signing everyone up at a gambling casino. The efforts of the Harding -Coolidge-Hoover era to turn America into a feudal economy seem in great danger of finally succeeding, in the absence of FDR.
"Privatization" is merely a scheme to grant windfall profits to brokerage houses and Mutual Funds through transfer fees, management fees and trading fees. If we can spend a trillion dollars on a war, we can invest the same amount in free medical coverage for every living soul in America. The money can be earned by heavily taxing companies that “outsource” and granting tax credits to those which have the best salaries and benefits. If all companies have the same outcome/income, the playing field will be even for all. Outsourcing is a form of betrayal of the American worker, which weakens the family and therefore the nation-it is thus a subtle form of treason.
At the root of the outsourcing, the attempts to scuttle Social Security and medical benefits, the introduction of toxic chemicals in everything we eat, drink the air we breathe, the products we buy, is a planned obsolescence of …. American Workers and their families.
It is a monstrous and treasonous selling out of God’s people to the avaricious. It is a massive plan to kill-off, at an early age, those who earn wages, press those who survive into a military which will take part in eternal warfare ala George Orwell’s Prophetic book 1984, and since few will be able to survive either toxins or war, they will die young neither needing Medicare nor pensions. Is this the legacy of the hypocritically and blasphemously named “Christian Right”? If so, of them, Jesus would say, "Get thee to Gehenna-Thou pawns of the avaricious rich and usurpers of My Name!"
Social Security should have been bolstered by the 5-6 trillion dollar surplus, which, instead, this administration has plundered and fed to their war machine-contractors and the wealthy.
I say, in response to the Orwellian reality facing the greater part of the population, we join to LOWER the retirement age to 55 and TRIPLE the benefits by taxing what is needed from corporations which outsource, Arms Dealers and the salaries of anyone making over $1.5 million a year in salary and benefits, at the same time, reducing CEO income to less than 25 times the average of individual Social Security income.
Posted by PETE BAGNOLO at 1:22 PM Links to this post
Are the Homerun records really the result of steroid drugs?
Or does it have more to do with mechanics of the game like ball/strike calls which are far worse and more frequent in the Big Leagues than they were in my decades of lower level Organized Baseball?
One thing is clear, only a fool or a blind man would have trouble understanding the simplicity of strike-zone architecture, perimeters/parameters.
More interesting is trying to deduce a reason for the bad calls. First, it is important to note that there are only a few reasons for frequent bad calls: incompetence, error, or planned. I eliminated incompetence as the cause, because the solutions to that are simple and straightforward-re-educate, retrain, or fire the incompetents. I also ruled out calls made in error because when the bad calls are made they are made consistently throughout a game or series.
In my studies they favored the home team 5.6-2.25. This could be interpreted as trying to patronize and encourage the hometown fans fraudulently in an effort to boost revenue, especially because revenue sharing is being resisted by the union.
Steroids can make a person stronger, but they cannot help a person hit major league pitching more squarely or with greater frequency, nor can they help a pitcher place his pitches on demand, on the spot more often ( a t hing once known as "control", now called ”command”). However, a livelier baseball can cause a hitter to exceed the old record for homeruns by 21.7% and increase his home run frequency from one homerun each 21+ at bats to 1 every 6.5 at bats-(Barry Bonds), without any need for “performance enhancing drugs”.
Is there a formula built-in which allows for umpires exceptions to an apparent prejudice in favor of the home team, such as for or against players in the League or team doghouse, (Was Sammy Sosa thus singled out?) or for players who are “Hot” or teams in financial/attendance trouble. If what I am theorizing is true, then that would explain why the league refuses to use an electronic strike zone to call pitches. Doing so might well remove game outcome control from the league. (although, as we have seen, electronic devices can be rigged or hacked). Meanwhile people blame the umpires, who it would seem, appear to never get fired for incompetence-if my theory is correct, they cannot be fired or the “Outcome Manipulation” concept, might be exposed by the fired umpires.
The sharp increase in power numbers is due far more to the liveliness of the SuperBall-baseball, the increase in teams in the leagues, thus dilution of available talent, and the lowering of pitching mounds.
The emphasis upon attacking the players for steroid use is a smoke screen hiding the real fraud and the need for an asterisk covering the following periods: 1961, 1987, 1991, 1994-2006 all of which were tied to an earlier core of sinking or growing revenues. The above 45 year era was initiated when owners became aware of the mortality of the game because of several strikes, historical past, sagging revenue and burgeoning salaries-salaries which were originally bid up by owners.
Thus, if my theoretical evidence is correct, the major cause of player performance enhancement is not drugs, but owner/league outcome manipulation of games, managers and players in an effort to boost fan participation and revenue.
Neo-Con businesses often bring surreptitious corruption to whatever they undertake-witness the Bhopal disaster, the No-Bid contract corruption in Iraq, the oil prices in America at $3.00+ a gallon while in Iraq before the war prices were $00.05 a gallon (5 cents a gallon) right now in Venezuela right now 12 cents a gallon, Iraq, 15 cents a gallon, witness the war in Iraq and the number of Neo-fascist/Neo-con businessmen and politicians under indictment and that is all just the tip of the iceberg.
In baseball, like all other avarice-based ventures, the employees always carry the burden of the blame-they are always slandered as bums who take drugs and “impugn the integrity of the game”. Non-living, non-human things like sports, corporations, and other organizations, do not have integrity. Integrity is a human quality, not a corporate one, of which only living creatures with conscience and intelligence people are so endowed.
Posted by PETE BAGNOLO at 10:30 AM Links to this post
“Last night I had a very odd dream-I hope it was just that. You may recall that the week before the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake, known by the scientific community as the Sumatra-Andaman earthquake, which occurred at 00:58:53 UTC (07:58:53 local time) on December 26, 2004, I wrote about a nightmare in which I was diving off the porch of a hotel, which was no longer a distance from the ocean but at the edge of a beach. I dove from the 2nd or 3rd story porch straight into the water and breast-stroked for the depth, deeper and deeper I stroked. The water was a light olive green and the sun was lighting it up and as I swam deeper I began to see bits of debris bubbling by me, wood chips, bits of cloth and then larger items beach chairs, bits of furniture, but the more I stroked down, the more I began to realize that the water was much deeper* than I had expected. I tried to turn back to the surface but an enormous underwater tide was churning the water, preventing me from turning, I was being twirled and sucked downward out of control, making underwater somersaults. For the first time in my life I was unable to overcome water. I thought that I would drown because I was powerless to turn back to the surface and my deep breath of air was expiring rapidly, and prayed and also asked my mother to help me, flailing and stroking in vain, my prayer went up, “HELP, MOM, I AM DROWNING!”, Linda woke me up and said I was doing breast strokes in bed and yelling for my mom and my guardian angel. I told a relative about the dream and she said she’d had a similar dream the same night-same description of the hotel, but she gathered her kids and ran to my room down the hall where a light was on inside and she saw me under the light and then she said she felt safe as the door slammed shut a the wave went over the hotel but we were unharmed. No one else in the hotel was alive. A week or so later the Tsunami struck. The images of that dream are as vibrant today as almost two years ago. We saw a duplicate of that hotel on TV in the Tsunami reporting more than a week later.
EMAIL OF 6/05/06
“The dream I had last night was not as devastating as the other in 2004, but the water was the same olive green color, the debris was the same, but limited to wood chips and bits of cloth-, and in this one I was not drowning but nonetheless concerned as I swam and did awake as from a nightmare-I had the sleeve of my tee-shirt in my mouth when I woke up, in the dream it was a bit of colored cloth which whipped by and caught in my teeth. The dream was not as vivid, so it may have simply been the bit of Prosciuto and Provolone sandwich we had as a late dinner, or maybe there is some other explanation, maybe it is a premonition of a storm not quite as bad. I am unable to decipher it, maybe because there is nothing to it because it did not strike me as strongly.
Let’s see what happens, I am at a loss to explain .
* This had happened once before in real life about a mile off-shore in Miami beach outside of my hotel, when swimming with my cousin Bobby who lived in Boca Raton. We were searching for a sandbar and I made three dives to find it, on the third dive, or more than 20 odd feet down, I dug up a handful of sand from the bottom, came back and showed it to Bobby and as he and I tread water discussing where the bar which he had promised had gone to, he was facing the beach and I the ocean’s horizon, I saw pretty far off circling shark fins so I told him and we turned and raced to shore. I think we set a world record, I hit the beach scraping my chest and forehead about fifty yards ahead of him. I looked out and still saw the fins-they hadn’t even noticed us, thank God. We fell on the beach laughing (I was 18 years old. What did I know?)
TODAY 06/20/06
Strong waves hit Central American Coast
Tuesday, June 20, 2006; Posted: 2:46 p.m. EDT (18:46 GMT)
Large waves caused by a Pacific storm began crashing into the Mexican resort city of Acapulco on Sunday.
MANAGUA, Nicaragua -- Large waves generated by a storm 2,000 miles away battered Central America's Pacific coast Tuesday, destroying homes, hotels, restaurants and businesses from Peru to Mexico, civil defense officials said.
There were deaths no reported, but hundreds of people were evacuated from coastal communities.
Posted by PETE BAGNOLO at 9:58 AM Links to this post
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
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