Tuesday, June 19, 2007


Saturday, February 24, 2007



GW Bush is planning to initiate World War III before the next election. There are several underlying reasons for his planned course of action and he has been making hints, slips of the tongue and rattling of his perennial saber over the last several weeks, taking the same tact of fear and solemn pre-WW III verbiage, which reflects somewhat that of pre-Pearl Harbor talk in the 1930’s. The Pre-Pearl arguments were justified, these are so ridiculous that one wonders, if this were a movie just released, how fast it would be laughed out of the theatres, or perhaps after screen tests, be withdrawn and made into a Saturday Morning Cartoon,

The situations between then and now are almost blasphemously different. The Pre-Pearl Harbor concerns were focused on two possible enemies, which then had the potential to do real damage to the US, and in fact later, did. This poor facsimile of war with Iraq and then with Iran is ludicrous-nothing more than a Yellow-Kid Wyle scam, so much like the pre-Iraq attack fear tactics that one wonders how foolish are those who believe it are, if any do.

It will take weeks, perhaps months before Bush actually attacks unless a genuine opportunity arises more quickly. He may, in an effort to make his Euro-Allies feel he is doing something to solve the problem diplomatically, wait out what will appear to be a reasonable period of “trying,” but his refusal to set up direct talks with Iran, are a clue to his real desire.

Some may ask; why does he want to attack Iran? The reasons are few and have little to do with the excuses he is currently giving. If history is a lesson, in the case of this president, the reasons for war will change repeatedly.

If we could see a copy of The Oil and Gas Law of The Iraq Republic, we would undoubtedly have part of the answer as to why we attacked that nation. A better oil deal, not however, for the citizens of Iraq and America, but for the Oil Companies of the US, Kuwait, Great Britain, Saudi Arabia and a few others. Certainly also more no-bid contracts for the Bushite friends and the family business, The Carlyle Group, which has profited so mightily from the current “war.”

There is more, however. In Bush’s latest speeches, his language is apocalyptic and biblical, sounding right out the Left Behind/Rapture fiction, which so many “Christians” apparently accept as sacred writ. He is making his case to win them over after some mild rifting, by making war upon another segment of the fastest growing religion on the planet, Muslimism. It was growing fast before the attack on Iraq and since it has been growing even faster.

Bush has performed four unexpected genuine miracles, so maybe he is the messiah. The first was actually getting people to believe his lies about “why we must attack Iraq.” The second was to get the same people to buy the same argument again. The third was to do what the Democrats could not do, to convert so many swing voters away from the Republicans, and the fourth was to win an election for the Democrats in 2004, a victory they don’t quite seem to know what to do with.

So, now, feeling he has the bible thumpers well in hand, the oil companies and No-Bid contractors, salivating (Hint to Dems, make No-Bid Contracts over $500.00 illegal.) with jillions in stolen treasury money from three nations pouring in (USA, Afghanistan and Iraq), no-bid contractor slush money at the ready, Bush will go forward with wary financial confidence.

He wants the war in full bloom for the 2008 election, so he can bamboozle the easily frightened, the drooling, slack-jawed and the clueless, and the “Christian Right” (which are neither Christian nor Right) once again into voting Red. Now the “Christian Right” can feel very confident that the illusion of religious and ethnic genocide against the hated Muslims is a reality, some might even enlist in military service for that, but I doubt it. That would be something many flag waving, bible thumping, “Christians” have assiduously avoided.

Bush has are three goals in mind, aside from the phony smoke screen of his embracing a Christian jihad and Renaissance. (The easiest way to end a fast growing religion which is not Christian Fascist, is to kill most of the existing offending Muslims, giving Christian Fascism a slight numerical edge. However, in so doing, my guess is that if God is not now a Muslim, that sort of injustice will be the fifth Bush miracle and force God’s conversion to supporting Muslimism. There are strong, ages old and continuing, historical evidence that God loves the ironic and in sharp reversal, will suddenly favors the underdog.)

The first thing in Bush’s mind is to get the oil. The second is to win in 2008 and the third is to attack victims, (2) Iran, (3) Syria, (4) Venezuela, and finally number (5) will be… Yes, the USA! Yes, Bush will put down an “insurgency’ among dissident Americans, by murdering most of them and create a Royalty/serf feudal economy right here in America, which then become the toxic work heaven replacing China, as China ascends to the place once held by America, of economic and military power.

A World War, Bush has been convinced by Cheney, Rove, Wolfowitz, Perle and Company, will give him the power and longevity of FDR. His first step after the war will be to implement Martial Law, which he has been diddling about with for the last four years. He directed the elimination of Habeas Corpus in 9 of the 10 points of the Bill of Rights. Then in true Hitlerian fashion, followed that up with sucking the Constitution dry and creating a New Theocratic Constitutional Convention based on his trio of inspirational books; Hitler’s Mein Kampf, Orwell’s 1984 and a degenerated version of both Testaments. There is also a chance that some “Christian” archeologist will “discover” a new version of the bible which cites Bush as Messiah, Jesus’ as an armed revolutionary Messiah, disarmed by frightened early church hierarchies to appeal to Constantine. This document may be “unearthed” in either Israel, or Iraq or some other conquered Mid-eastern nation.

The next step will be the initiation of a Theocratic National Constitution, overseen by an Inquisitional New World Order.

If you have been reading my columns and predictions in either my blogspot or on OPEDNEWS.com, or found them in major columnists quotes, or picked up by other news sources, you know that I predicted that, ala Orwell's 1984, Bush will be found, if an investigation is begun, to be funding terrorists to ensure an active enemy to provoke a World War. I have more than hinted that Osama Bin Laden or one like him may well be on the Bush payroll, funded by the billions in cash that have disappeared from Iraq. This will become known very quickly now, though I first mentioned it four years ago. This will be the time to invoke a Special Prosecutor.

There is only one way to stop Bush and it must be done quickly. A special prosecutor must be invoked and Bush Cheney must be indicted. Attempting to stop Bush with new laws, will fail because he has the right of veto and the Dems do not have the numbers to over come a veto, and they cannot count on the Supreme Court to uphold the Constitution or any lawsuits that may follow.

Although things look bleak, there is always the possibility of a sixth miracle, which would end the whole scenario, but I wouldn’t count on it. Altruism does not appear to be this congress’ or this Supreme Court’s long suit.

Well, Almighty Father, the ball is firmly in Your Court.

Posted by PETE BAGNOLO at 9:09 PM Links to this post

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