Friday, November 17, 2006
By the way, before I begin, I was born and remain Catholic, but since I have had the benefit of Private Revelations, I not only have the right, but the obligation to question inaccurate and self-serving comments of church hierarchies, as well as those which, by omission, sin and manipulate American citizens and allow the self-serving proclamation (by way of warding off lawsuits) of the Vatican that it is a Sovereign State and the Pope its ruler, who in ignorant bliss, interfered in two elections within another nation-a true Sovereign State.
I wrote more than one letter to then Cardinal Ratzinger, to withdraw his virtual support of the Current US President. In my novel, Newsletters and Blogspot, I outlined far in advance of the election what to expect from the current president: Preemptive war, lies, murder, capital punishment, torture, the wrecking of the environment, the decimation of salaries, benefits, insurance, destroying pensions, Ex Post Facto, thus destroying the future, education possibilities, health care, job market, and longevity for tens of millions of Americans for generations to come.
Those are a few of the things this pope, in his haste, and lack of foresight, overlooked. Had he benefited from my advantage of Private Revelation or even common sense based on a little internet research, he would have known what I knew, or at least listened, had he broken the bonds which tied him to stale dogma, which inspired his errors.
In Vatican City, this week, Pope Benedict XVI declared “Some have assumed a right to choose, in matters of faith, those teachings that, according to them, should be accepted and those that can be excused.” He goes on to say that, in particular he is “… thinking of the profound crisis of marriage and family… divorce's, …abortions, same sex marriage….” Here, he ended his reference to the “problems.”
Below I outline how, either in his own ignorance, and/or his lack of intelligent advisement, or mindlessness, or forgetfulness and lack of humility and recall, he is doing exactly that of which he accuses others, which is picking and choosing those things he will or will not accept and promote and ignoring the rest.
He has not yet apologized for helping cause casualties of over 1,000,000 Americans and Iraqis, and the deaths of 655,000 Iraqi non-combatants, and the economic and violent Hell on Earth in that country. I find it unconscionable that he now goes on about people ignoring divorce, abortion and homosexual marriage. (Perhaps he did like the recent election results in which Catholics ignored him and the American Bishops. Some American Catholics are at last, showing some common sense.
Is he unaware, even after my emails to him, of the evidence of homosexuality being a genetic biological matter? Is he, therefore, unaware that many people who voted Democratic in America, like me, are also against abortion, but are able to have foreseen the wider evils, to which he was blinded, among them the loss of democracy in this, the nation that saved Italy in WW II? Has he no sense of gratitude or obligation? That we who foresaw what have, indeed, happened here under fascist rule much worse in the end. Are we now to think, the pope was born a fascist and remains a fascist?
Are we now to think, the pope, is repeating the ignorance and envious bigotry and superstition, that destroyed such scientific findings and practices of Prophets of knowledge sent by God, regardless of religion, of men such as (Imhotep, Bruno, Galileo)?
Is he not aware of the evil of the Ghettoization of Jews for 1400+ years, and so many other decisions out of ignorance, made by the church, (I could go naming them, ad-infinatum), because he, like some of his predecessors is sadly lacking the necessary intellectual and spiritual, giftedness, to remain in office?
Are we to believe that his silence on his grave error, (and a fatal one for hundreds of thousands of Iraqi’s and Americans, and down the road for tens of millions?), is related to his comments about Muslims a few weeks ago? Are we to understand that his attitude toward them is the same as the attitude of many canonized saints who preached vehement Ant-Semitism and that he has neither conscience or empathy for those slaughtered and their families? He is certainly no John Paul-he is certainly no Einstein. He, in fact, is a shameful choice, but if this is the best the cardinals can come up with, then we should, as I have done, look directly to God with no intermediaries to ill-advise us.
I found it interesting that a man whose intellectual capacity is not off the charts, whose advisors are not kept abreast of the findings of the best and the brightest, and whose confessors are quite obviously, judging from his decisions, not prophets, whose minds are stuck closed with mistranslated, misinterpreted data, dogma, and illogic. Finally, one whose God is not whispering in his ear, (or if He is, this pope is turning an ear deaf to the advice of the Holy Spirit), that such a one, should be so presumptuous as to preach a thing despicable, to support a known murdering coward on one issue and ignoring the others I have listed above (and many for which I no room here)? Even to men of whose giftedness he is unaware. Some, which God has Chosen for Private Revelation from birth?
The totality of unacceptable behavior of the so-called Christian Right and their candidate, speaks as much for their lack of intellect as for their lack of prophetic foresight, for the man they supported is the Anti-Christ of our era and anyone who did receive that revelation before the fact, should have by common sense, comprehended it after the fact. However, for those who do not even recognize that after the fact, one can only say, they are incapable morally, or intellectually of apprehending and comprehending the most basic bit of reality, and thus must needs be dealt with by excommunication by God, if not this pope's peers. Thus, if the cardinals have no rule for recall, I believe that as has been predicted to me, if the pope does not repent his support of the current administration, try hard to increase his own knowledge of biology and world events, read my Blogspot regularly, try to find out who the other 35 of the 36 prophets of my generation are, and either shut the heck up, or find that God-Himself may Excommunicate this pope and call for his replacement. Argue not this point with me, but with the God who made us.
I, Peter, tearful and prayerful at not only seeing our nation in the hands of the terminally dumbed-down, but our church as well. That, as stupidity, greed and violence, grips the reigns of our nation, ignorance and lack of knowledge and empathy, grips the reigns of Holy Mother, Church.
We want no more Supporters of Anti-Christ’s in the popery, no more burning at the stakes of prophets like Giordano Bruno, no more destroying of the gifts God sent us through his geniuses like Imhotep, no more covering up of the work of our Michelagnello’s by misdirected boobs in purple, or red cloth, and no more mistakes like dismantling of Polygamy set in place by God and never rescinded by him. Bytheway, Jesus was an elegant and often abruptly forward prophet. Had he meant Marriage to be a sacrament, he would have said so in plain words. Making water into wine is less a code for sacramentation of marriage, than Jesus, discussion with the Samaritan Woman at Jacob’s Well (John 4:4-42) was a blessing for serial polygamy. Whoops, let me think about that last comparison for a moment. Hmmm, she had 5 husbands and was living with a fellow who was not her husband? And Jesus said NOTHING about that, other than to let her know he knew about her life. He did not say to her, ‘go and sin no more’, nor to repent, nor to get an annulment, nor to go back to the first husband.
Hmm, I take that last part, all back. Sounds like he had no problem with her sexuality or her serial polygamy. He saw clearly the mitigating realities of her life. God would rather the church concentrate on the real evil-the church’s blessing and acceptance of the evil of avarice, of shameless self-promotion, by ignoring the Temptation which Jesus Rejected in the Wilderness, by creating an agency like Opus Dei, and supporting of men of Avarice in government and industry, and all the Bushites Stand for-GREEDY, HEARTLESS, EVIL, much like the minions of Adolph Hitler did.
AVARICE, just in case the pope is not well enough read to comprehend the words of God, the prophets and Jesus, avarice is the only Evil of the 613 Commandments and the Seven Deadly Sins, which is without Mitigation. You learn that no-brainer in Direct Divine Private Revelation 101.
It comes with the territory of being a prophet-A real Anointed One. A Corporate Organized Religion cannot anoint, hire, ordain, or create a prophet; only God can do that! And God Chooses not as or those man might chose- (God to Samuel-16: 7) “…not as a man sees does God, see….” God chooses those with faults, those are the only kind of men He trusts-honest sinners, men and women with sins, with baggage, because to be other is to be ill upstairs, or created angelic by a direct act, as a very few have been, like Mary (?) God Bless my readers. They know, they know… they very certainly know. Those whose hearts are one with God's recognize a true prophet, because it takes one to know one.
Posted by PETE B at 2:42 PM Links to this post
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
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