Tuesday, June 19, 2007


Friday, October 06, 2006


Sometime after the attachment- (Constantine) to the Temptation in The Wilderness rejected by Jesus, support from Organized Religion, in Jesus’ day, the bastion of the disenfranchised, the marginalized, the less fortunate, and the empathetic, shifted to the wealthy, high-rolling, unempathetic and transferred their attentions and support from the Moderate/Progressives to the Neoconservatives. That Transfer lifted the IQ level of both parties exponentially, delighting most especially the Moderate Progressives.

Meanwhile God, in His infinite wisdom, while mourning the adherence by some on the Left to abortion-affecting, in dwindling numbers some 1.25 million of the unborn, and most on the Right to Fascism, Torture, Capital Punishment, Preemptive War, Pesticide/Herbicide use, and the devastation of the land, air and water of God’s Creation-Planet Earth, and the devastation of the standard of living of more than 100 millions of souls and many future generations of their progeny, most of which will never be born, or if born will die horribly before their time, because of the diminishing health and welfare of their intended parents, wishes to announce that He has withdrawn lifted His perennial mantel of protection to those most egregiously and contemptuously engaging in such issues.

He mourns also the Contempt of some of His daughters exercising their envy and contempt for their Maker, by attacking their brothers and husbands and fathers-waging of war upon the male gender, beginning with the feminization and Demonisation of them prior to and after puberty. He admonishes His Sons for misuing His daughters and wishes them treated with respect as chosen to be blessed with the gift of life-giving.

Further He wishes to inform His People on Earth that that no church-no Organized Religion has, in His eyes, the whole truth, and that He has sent Prophets and His revelations to all believers and even to non-believers and, and that have been dealt to all peoples, which they interpreted according to their customs, education, and exogamous openness, open-mindedness and willingness to learn, and empathy. That He has granted Free Will to men and that He abhors the attempts by churches and governments to abort Free Will. Further, that He has adopted/Chosen, those people most in need from time-to-time and that his Chosen People are the genus Homo-sapiens in its full array of races, against the other, now extinct eleven or more variations, which appeared in the last 6-10 millions of years prior to the appearance of Homo-sapiens, within the last 150,000 years.

Most emphatically, He has favored Homo-sapiens because He granted them and them alone among their kind, consciousness, higher intellect, and lastly because God sinned against His Creation of that genus by first bestowing consciousness, which caused great mental pain and anguish for Man, by his consciousness of his self and his mortality-his “… knowledge of good and evil…” Therefore, God made the tort award of reparation in the form of immortality upon members of the genus Homo-sapiens in compensation for their suffering in awareness of the physical mortality, in keeping with His recorded practice in Torah of Compensation of tort law, another thing against which Neo-fascists have and are trying to eliminate and with it the justice of redress.

He has scattered to each and every people not only Free-Will, but also a share of the truth, so that a mosaic of divine wisdom is spread across the world-little pieces of which reside in every faith and every people and only by openness, a commingling of all men and all ideas will all men have access to the entirety of what God has revealed to all of the people of Earth.

High among those truths is the reality that the only sin by humans against humans, of the Seven Deadly sins and the 613 Commandments, which is without mitigation, is the evil of AVARICE/GREED-an offense against God, unfortunately now enthusiastically embraced by Organized Religion.

Further that the present path, attachment to, commitment of, some Western nations and some Mid-Eastern Nations to abortion, to Fascism, Torture, Capital Punishment, Preemptive War, Pesticides/Herbicides, bribery, Intimidation of and restriction of individual Freedoms and incarceration without recourse or trial is Anathema-therefore a stench to the nostrils of God. Also that He is now impatient with the Leadership of the Major Organized Religions and that none of them represents His wishes at the present time, and that they are mired in Medieval Dark Ages, Ignorance, bitterness, genocidal-bigotry and are directly or indirectly promoting hatred, genocidal violence and driving people away from them and also from God. In short, they are misrepresenting and abusing their association with God and He is not supportive of their divisive courses of action. He wishes now for religious leaders to disavow all violence-for said violence to cease, for all uninvited invading, occupational forces to exit the nations they are oppressing, and return home.

If His wishes are not acceded to, He will, for the first time in Eons, take a Personal Hand in the matters listed above and the First shall find themselves Last and the Last shall find themselves First and the Mightiest Nations will be fallen and drag their peoples into Gehenna on Earth and the instigators of the violence against man and the natural Order of things, the land, air and water, will find it would have been better for them had they never been born.

Moreover, those who misuse their authority even in the smallest matters, especially among the clergy, and/or who distort God’s wishes by preaching violence, genocide, twisting the words of God’s Prophets of every faith, whether Christian, Jew, Muslim, or other religions, to suit their twisted and false religious, political, bellicosity, or financial agenda, will pray to God for mercy, to no avail and will suffer exponentially what suffering they have caused.

Lastly, there are 36 known and unknown prophets on Earth at this moment. None of them are involved in the hierarchies of Government, Organized Religions or Industry, and those who pretend at the prophetic office in those profiteering offices, without His anointment, are those who will most regret ever having seen the light of their first day on Earth.

Posted by PETE BAGNOLO at 6:57 AM

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