Monday, January 15, 2007
Our Declaration of Independence, our Constitution, guarantees no corporation life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, it guarantees life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, as gifts of God to humans-men/women. That God, along with the documents I refer to in the next paragraph, has been ill-used and blasphemed by the current administration, which has for five years mendaciously hidden behind the flag and the cross, thus appealing to those of low understanding, lower bestial leanings and above average avaricious and violent inclinations.
This plan was developed by the professor out of a sense of justice and altruism and the he desires no compensation for this design, but does not want it to become the property of, or any association with, any insurance companies or other entities/consultants and no insinuation or redaction by profiteers.)
Here is the general idea of the health care plan I espouse:
There are no premiums, because there will be no insurance company involvement.
Each man woman and child will receive his or her Social Security Card at birth, as usual. Each one, whether they pay Income taxes or not will receive an Alpha-Numeric income category/standing, recording the general range of their income or lack thereof, and each will be assigned an income level Alpha-Numeric Index Card denoting their income category. If their income changes to move them out of their previous range, their alphanumeric card will be updated. When they are in need of medical care or medication, they simply present their Income Range card to doctor, hospital, clinic or pharmacy.
The plan can be implemented in one of two ways.
1)-No one, regardless of income, will pay anything but a moderate surcharge and the poorest will pay nothing.
2)-Everyone will be charged on a sliding scale according to their income level excluding those under a certain income level.
Rationale and Funding Sources
The funding will come a graduated corporate income tax based on ethical consideration for corporations.
Corporations which pay the lowest average salaries and benefits, those which outsource jobs overseas or off-shore, companies which manufacture toxic chemicals or create, as an after effect toxic waste, companies which leech or spill into streams, waterways or land, and/or make, sell, distribute or emit solvents, pesticides, herbicides, small or large arms and/or WMD’s, which includes automatic weapons of any sort, including side-arms and other toxins, to the general public will be heavily taxed, 100% of which would fund the HEALTHY/WEALTHY AMERICA plan because good health, brings wealth.
Those which pay the highest salaries, benefits and the most generous pension plans which are inviolate and escrowed, will be given mammoth tax credits and fall into the lowest tax brackets. In addition, total corporate compensation to executives will be limited to no more than 25 times the average income of ALL of their own workers, including their rank and file and independent contrcatorsall of those under any contractors with which they do business including out-sourced jobs whether to independent contractors, including all of the employees of those contractors, employees, or individuals as employees, off-shore, overseas, or to any other nation.
Nor shall they pay any overseas, offshore, or national of any other nation, or this nation, less than the prevailing wages, and benefits contracted in the USA. The figure of executive salaries being 25 times the average income paid all workers of any sort, whether their own employees directly or those of contractors, shall be all a part of the 25 times employee compensation for calculating executive salary schedule. The higher the benefits paid all employees, the higher the salary of executives, all of which is also tied to sales and profits. Executives in companies which do poorly shall be paid a sliding scale down from 25 times the average compensation of all employees.
These avaristic companies who try to avoid being their brother’s keepers, would possibly become the only remaining Income taxed entities in the USA. The plan would also save billions because it will/can also be tied to elimination of the IRS and all of its budget and taxes be generated by a universal sales tax plan which would exclude all necessities: Medical, medicines, food, fuel, communications: Telephone, Internet, DSL phones and all other communications systems, water, etc.
At the Heart: Criminalization of Avarice
We must begin to treat the disease of avarice, which is the largest cause of poverty and lack of education, if America is to survive. Democracy cannot long endure by feasting/cannibalizing its least fortunate citizens, whether here or abroad. ALL necessities of life must be provided for ALL of our citizens; rich, poor, senator or beggar and all must have equal access to the SAME healthcare plan-there must be NO discrimination. If there is not such equality of health care, we are shortly facing defrocking and disintegration as a just people. We have already taken many steps in that direction the last six years. The war was an excuse for piracy and genocide aimed at those of other than the Christian Right, (which is neither (Christian nor Right).
The plan as I have designed it, will cost our people-our citizens, (all of the more than 300,000,000), nothing. It will, however, cost the avaricious a great deal. Avarice, the only one of the Seven Deadly Sins, and the Ten (613) Commandments, when enacted, against which there is no criminal penalty. Greed Avarice is and always has been at the heart of evil. “Love of money is the root of all evil!”
We must change that, for petty theft and sexual adventurism pales besides avarice and the root cause of all evils. Recall that general Douglas Macarthur said that, “…Greedy, Conservative German and Japanese Industrialists agitated and manipulated to create WWII…” (However, so did arms dealers in America.) Also that General/President Dwight D. Eisenhower in his speech at JFK, said (I worked for JFK in Oak Park on his campaign after meeting him in his motel room at the airport before the election with a committeeman and my family) that, “… America must, "… Beware the Military Industrial Complex…” (Which was pushing him not to end the war in Korea)? For us to survive, avarice must be criminalized. Profiteering must end, and now
Neo-Fascism has destroyed Habeas Corpus, and therefore 9 of the 10 articles of our Bill of Rights through The Military Commission’s Act of 2006, and much of our Constitution, by the heinous and treasonous Patriot Act.
Therefore, herein we can kill two evils and one untenable dinosaur at once fell swoop, the evils of Avarice, and of expensive or unattainable healthcare, and the saurian IRS system).
Avarice must be recognized for what it is-a crime against humanity and therefore even without other crimes attendant should not be encouraged and should always be punished. Executive salaries should be stopped at 25 times the average salaries of all employees, foreign and domestic, including outsourced salaries, and all salaries and income should be capped at $1.5 millions a year.
It is avarice, which has led to this current and despicable slaughter of innocents. It is avarice, which has led to all wars and all economic prejudice. If those who commit this crime are allowed to continue to practice an evil that every major prophet of every major religion condemned, than those religions and we are living hypocrites.
Great Britain, France, Germany, Italy and some of the Arab states are eminently more understanding, that creating products and services is a task shared by innovators, executives, staff, and rank and file employees and so should the rewards. Anything less is avarice and should be, like all the other crimes against humanity, criminalized. Petty criminals are arrested, prosecuted and often killed or wounded; yet those who steal millions/billions are excused from criminal behavior? Not on our new watch, they won’t.
I have been an active investor and a successful one and I can tell you resolutely that criminal activity in the financial markets is the NORM, not the exception. These should be excised from civil wrongs and be criminalized. Thieves should be judged by the amount they steal and from how many people they steal, the more they steal, the more people their stealing affects, the greater the punishment.
Posted by PETE BAGNOLO at 9:01 PM
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
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