Monday, October 09, 2006
I Received Saturday, from the Honorable Henry Hyde, at my request, a copy of The MILITARY COMMISSIONS ACT OF 2006. I was particularly dismayed and thoroughly disillusioned to read the following, in priority order:
SECTION-6, 3, pp-40, (A), (B), & (C ) INTERPRETATION BY THE PRESIDENT. This, despite the disclaimer in (D) gives a president the rights of a Despot, King, and Emperor. As such, it displays contempt for democracy and the people. It hints, when taken on the whole with the direction the party of which I was once a member, the distinct cloak of a Pre-WW II European political disability. It also displays contempt for the intelligentsia of America and the working class, in favor of a regime against which both General Douglas Macarthur and President Dwight D. Eisenhower warned, the Military Industrial Complex.
It assumes that because one person or group of weak persons is infected with the disease of avarice and pursues wealth at the expense of his immortal soul, and another, as, or far more intelligent, is not infected with greed, and merely desires to enjoy a lifelong pursuit of happiness by studying, work, family and learning, that somehow those who are infected with avarice, complicated by delusions of grandeur of Empire, at any cost, know better. We have no need of empire here, or of Emperors. This law, following the Patriot Act, has delivered horrifying twin blows to the heart of our divine and sacred documents of Democracy.
Further Under Section 6 pp-44 2 RETROACTIVE Applicability, places those who committed despicable evils, far above the law, violating ex-Post-Facto and declaring that anyone involved in evil, can merely, after the fact, excuse himself from justice. God, is not happy that one by one the documents He inspired to make men free, patterned on His concept of Free-Will are being dismantled by the living phantoms of fascism, back to haunt those whose parents destroyed it.
Further on in the MILITARY COMMISSIONS ACT OF 2006, under 948b of Military Commissions, (d), sup. -(A-C) pp-4 and 20 E I, II, II, there are also offensive interjections, which are to those privileged to be blessed with intelligence and Grace, abhorrent.
In these offensive pieces of legislation, inspired by Satan, I am extremely disappointed. My ancestors who came here to escape what this and other occurrences since 9/11 have wrought: The Patriot Act, The destruction of God's own, through Moses in Torah, Bankruptcy Act, and now this, have been blessed by God not to have to witness the evil represented by such ideas. I pray God for all the immortal souls of all of those who voted for this act of contempt for freedom.
I had hoped that the sources, which informed me of the content of this bill, were wrong, and in some ways they were, but in the above cited passages, they were certainly not.
Posted by PETE BAGNOLO at 12:19 PM Monday, October 09, 2006
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
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