Tuesday, July 25, 2006
1)-In 2004, freedom lovers found that 34 percent of Americans questioned, said, "The federal government has become so large and overarching, that it poses an immediate threat to the Constitution and The Bill Of Rights and is attempting to intimidate ordinary, dissident, American citizens." Freedom lovers could not believe it, so they removed the word "immediate" and resubmitted the question. This time 77 percent of Americans asked agreed with the statement.
1A)-On both sides of either major ocean, it is only a little overstated to say that we preach individualism and competitive capitalism, and practice No-Bid contracting and perversion of Free enterprise.
2)-February 25, 1913, an Amendment, XVI was added to the U.S. Constitution, which authorized Congress to levy income taxes on citizens to pay for the operations of government. That year income taxes ranged from 1% on incomes of $20,000 to 6% on incomes above $500,000, and the highest total tax was about 7%. Now, 86 years later, the average individual pays nearly 50% of his or her income in taxes of one form or another. The federal income tax is only half the penalty as we all know there are myriad other taxes, daily, weekly monthly, annually and the vast majority of those taxes are paid by those in the lowest income groups. All taxes combined should range from a flat 10% of anyone making over $125,000 per year, to a flat 99% of anyone making over $1.5 million per year, with no deductions other than medical ones.
3)-America’s tax laws undermine the country's prosperity by not imposing strong enough or harsh enough penalties on blind, unbridled, ambition and avarice-the only evils that God, the prophets and Jesus are unwilling to mitigate. Although many taxpayers face mandatory tax rates and often must pay more than federal taxes on the same income, the wealthy politicians and industrialists can take advantage of special deductions, credits, preferences, shelters, and loopholes to minimize their tax liability. The result of this double standard is a tax system that does not recognize virtue, but instead recognizes avarice-greed, as worthy of reward. This thinking must be changed by application of the words of wise prophets and statesmen. We must understand that avarice is a mentally and physically debilitating and apparently contagious disease, and those found practicing it must be penalized and if out of hand, like those giving and accepting no-bid contracts, must be placed where their Blind Avaristic Ambitions can do no harm to anyone, including themselves. Our national and tax laws penalize virtuous behavior, reward anti-social avarice and also violates the fundamental constitutional principle of equal treatment under the law, wherein the highest laws of God punish anti-social avarice and reward virtuous behavior." There are two areas in which unlimited profit must be rewarded and rewarded well-that is on luxury items-on those let Americans make as much as their greedy hearts desire, and may God bless them in the effort. The other is through obvious giftedness of, the intellect (teachers of high intelligence), in all of the arts, and in sports, because these are gifts from God, while greed is a damning gift from Satan, the one gift horse into which mouth men should look.
4)-The Governing have violated our most sacred constitutional principle of equal and fair treatment under the law by arbitrarily implementing policies of taxation that are unequal, unfair and overbearing. They impose heavy penalties on the working class and reward those which are most avaricious, when it should be claiming immense portions from the income of the sinful and evilly avaristic. Our Government is seizing nearly one half of the individual income of the working class, while mere pennies on the millions of dollars are being claimed from the avariciously wealthy. Although a mandatory tax is needed to fund the operations of government, we believe that the existing governing bodies should cap out any individual’s income at $1,500,000 annually and incomes below $125,000 annually should be taxed at a flat 10% excluding medical costs, and the tax on avarice should escalate to 99% on any income above $1.5 Million annually. That is certainly fair. We believe that the present burden on the working class amounts to nationally enforced slavery, and must be eliminated in a nation of God, and that virtue must be rewarded and avarice punished as severely as murder and rape, for it is the only evil of which God, His prophets and Jesus offer no mitigation."
5)-Most families pays taxes on their income. They save some of their after-tax income into the form of stocks, bonds, capital gains, and dividends and interest, and the corporation pays corporate taxes (on behalf of the family as a shareholder.) Then most families pay taxes again when they receive dividends or capital gains. When a family is lucky enough to save even a few thousand dollars a year and leave a taxable estate, the savings are taxed again. American families should be enabled to become corporations and entitled to all the write-offs for all its needs to function and prosper. Only then can it accrue wealth like a corporation. As it now stands the family pays the burden of taxes for the rich and avaricious AND for the corporations of the rich/avaricious no-bid contractors. Therefore, both the rich and avaricious and their corporations can prosper in billions while the American family is most often is crushed financially unto death.
6)-“Socialized medicine” is a catchword of the avaricious who want the poor and middle class to continue to pay their way and that of the rich/avaricious billionaires who receive “Socialized No-Bid Contracts”. Do we call our tax supported Military, “Socialized Military?” Do we call our tax supported Police and firefighters, “Socialized Police” and “Socialized Fire fighters”? Do we call our tax-supported schools, “Socialized schools”? Do we call no-bid contracts to contractors in Iraq and New Orleans, "Socialized Pork-Barreling No-Bid Contractors"?
In any event, the costs of ordinary medical care are well out of the reach of 47,000,000 Americans. Private insurance arrangements are financially unaffordable to meet the contingency of unusually large medical expenses for another 20,000,000 Americans. The Fastest-growing segment of bankruptcies in America is from Medical debt for millions of Americans. The insensitive comment that 90 percent of all hospital bills are paid through third-party payments does not reveal that 67,000,000 have no third party payments available to them.
7)-Milton Friedman, supposedly said, “Direct government spending is less than 15 percent of national income in Hong Kong versus 40 percent in the United States. Indirect government spending via regulations and mandates on private individuals and businesses is negligible in Hong Kong but accounts for around 10 percent of national income in the United States." He apparently was unaware that Hong Kong has no army, navy, Marine Corps, or No-Bid contractors to support and that what law enforcement they do have is subsidized by main-land China, and in the past, in Friedman's day, supported by Great Britain and in a pinch by the USA.
8)-Some say that Social Security is a big problem. At its current rate, it is the highest tax for 70% of taxpaying households. Today, Social Security and Medicare alone cost younger employees a tax rate of 7.65%, higher than what millionaires paid when the income tax was born in 1913. Note: The payroll tax rate for Social Security and Medicare is 15.3%, for the employers are justifiably requested to match what their employee’s pay. Therefore, I say End Social Security as it is presently funded, by taxing at 99% everyone making over 25 times the now average Social Security income of those now receiving such income and pay out the 99% to retired people making under 25 times the current average Social Security income check as a quarterly bonus.
9)-There should be capital Punishment for only two things: being a Lobbyist and taking money from one.
10)-The abandonment of self-restraint in the present administration has ignited an explosion of multimillion and multi-billion dollar NO-BID contracts and a tearing down of our freedom, and our sacred Bill of Rights and Constitution. The number of pork-barreling U.S. government contractors has burgeoned since 2001. It is down this road that nations go from freedom to being spied upon, to being tyrannized from within by their own government."
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