Wednesday, February 28, 2007
The Code of Hammurabi, created in 1760 BC, followed the codex of Ur-Nammu, king of Ur (2050 BC), the Codex of Eshnunna (1930 BC) and the codex of Lipit-Ishtar of Isin (1870 BC), but preceded the Hittite code of laws (1300 BC), and Mosaic Law (about 1200 BC under Moses), all of bore similarities to each other, because they shared a geographical, cultural, affinity.
Moses, however, was the wellspring, the progenitor of Justice in criminal, civil, and personal Injury, tort law. In the constructing of 613 Commandments, more than double to triple the number of laws his predecessors developed. Moses opened law to include the once disenfranchised classes, creating virtual panoply of legal precedents upon which all nations have built their criminal and civil codes. The Commandments were the Foundation Stone for fairness among the classes. In so doing, Moses became one of the earliest developers of the concept of a Middle Class and a balanced national economy.
Spread throughout the Pentateuch, were those 613 Commandments (of which the Ten Commandments were only the tip of the moral and civil legal practices, iceberg in Torah), which Moses and his judges held court treating the various classes with amazing equality.
The seedlings, planted by Moses, would eventually become common Juris Prudence in the West.
Moses knew that God desired all men to have, at least access to opportunity. In that regard, he created revolutionary concepts, those of equal opportunity for both the peasant and ruling classes. He knew that a strong economy was predicated not primarily on a market of trade with other nations, but domestic trade. For that to be a success he knew that a good economy begins at home. Wages in Moses day were created fully in mind that a healthy, wealthy, happy citizen population was also the key to a strong defense system. Thus, he developed a means of support by tithing to each adult enough acreage to sustain a family in the best and worst of times, a Mosaic Social Security Program.
He also constructed what most countries now know as Bankruptcy Law, which was far more forgiving than the present abortion lobbied by avaristic credit card companies.
I gave you this background in order for you to comprehend why it is so important for Americans to have job security, for national defence, for their own health and safety, for a strong internal economy unfettered by foreign influences, products or services of which fuel oil is one.
God, the Almighty Father appointed eons later His special Representative, Rabbi Yeshua (Jesus) to represent to men a tolerant, liberality of God's Good Will, which embraced keeping Good nations, free and independent of foreign products and influences.
To have a strong, wealthy population, it needs to be a motivated and healthy population. If loyalty is not delivered by government to its constituents; which men of conscience and intellect understand, as did Jesus and His Father, that then good men will end their loyalty to government. There is no room in America for sycophants in congress for those who go with the pretense to lead, but then merely strive to feather their own nests by cooperating with the wealthy, lobbying avarists in Big Industry. It was Big Industry, Conservative Multi-millionaire CEO's, which inveigled Adolph Hitler in Germany, and the Emperor in Japan, to wage World War to slake the thirst of Industry for greater profits through fascist Imperialism.
America won because of its loyalty to its working classes, which in turn produced outstanding workers, and brilliant young minds, which eventually gave birth to its innovative teaching, legislative and entrepreneurial classes, something certain fascist elements of both Parties would like to change. We have in congress apparently in abundance, those who wish only the luxurious life promised by avaristic Lobbyists wishing to cash in by impoverishing working families. However, you can change that ratio.
Even the great and initially generous Henry Ford recognized that in order to sell his products people needed to afford to buy them, so he rewarded his workers with unprecedented compensation packages. Those legislators which betray their own working class citizens are at odds with those geniuses that created our original economy and our national set of morals, and are instead displaying disloyalty at best and treason at worst to our nation and our people. A person cannot, in good conscience, declare, on the one hand, that they love America, but display to all and sundry by his/her actions, instead, a demeanor which reveals that s/he hates Americans, especially its workers. If you go to Washington and listen to those of either party who wish to destroy fair wages, you are spitting in the eyes of God and disrupting the security and health of those who work and will fight America's battles.
I strongly urge you to hear this truth, Avarice is the only sin, for which God has no mitigation, for all of the other sins come out of weaknesses of the flesh, which according to Jesus are all easily mitigatible, but not greed, which comes from power and the lust for absolute power and we all know to what that leads.
Please, display your gratitude to Almighty God, to Jesus for championing justice and to Moses for defining it, by voting for H. R. 800.
Loyalty is a two-way street, if a governing party betrays, refuses to support its workers in favor of the workers of another nation, for purely economic advantages, spurred by corporate greed, no citizen will fight for a such party, which does not respect his contribution nor reward it and his family with health and wealth. Those motives, not fear, a reality of which Caligula, Nero, Hitler, Mao Amin and Stalin were apparently ignorant, caused their downfall and is beginning to look as though it will cause ours, because of a small number of incredibly greedy industrialists. "What does it profit a man if he gains the wealth of the world but in the process betrays and loses his soul?"
Vote against those who expect you to be non-thinking unconscionable, sycophants, by voting for H. R. 800. Be your own wo/man.
I thank you and America will thank you, because I, like other good Americans cannot support one who supports the enemies of God, those who wallow in Greed. Remember Avarice is the only EVIL unmitigatible by God, as he and Jesus so often said in words very plain.
Please, for our workingmen and women VOTE FOR H. R. 800!
I thank you and so will God the Almighty Father, and so will America's working classes, the heart of our nation and potentially, our armed forces
Posted by PETE BAGNOLO at 7:32 AM Links to this post
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1 comment:
Where are you professor? Are you still here? The silence is deafening. God is calling out to you. Are you listening? The Collective Consciousness awaits. Alta Vendita Deus Vult. Matthew 16:23
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