Tuesday, June 19, 2007


Thursday, October 05, 2006


I worked at this place once. Well, I’m getting ahead of myself, so, bear with me. Even into my middle aged passages I was naïve’, thinking that if you exposed corruption it would end. The 1940’s movies I saw as a child, thoroughly corrupted my expectations, because there in 60-90 minutes the heroes would solve personality, love, technical and/or world problems. I thought that was how things worked in the real world.

Anyway my Grandfather said, “If you offer a logical and intelligent solution to a major problem, and the recipient of your solution treats it with ridicule or hostility, or offers you a perk of some sort, forget the solution-the fix is in, corruption is underlying, money is passing from one bank account to a strong box, Pick up your toys and run don’t trot, away.

Therefore, back to, “I worked at this place once,” and the guys who ran it were slowly killing people with chemicals-cleaning solvents, all sorts of toxic crap. I brought the solution (no pun) to their attention, actually based on deep research, I solved the problem at less than 50% of the cost they now had. They first offered the panacea, graft, to forget what I knew, then when refused, they attacked me and my supporters in every way possible, including framing, discrediting, slanders, questioning my sanity, etc. I won every battle despite the overwhelming odds, lawyers, herds of not-so-bright supporters, approval seeking sycophants, and those who shared in the graft. More and more the chemicals they were using came under scrutiny of the FDA and a few were banned. This brought additional pressure on them. It was alleged that they had bought everyone they could and my inquiries and subsequent events forced them to buy more supporters just to shut them up. It was further alleged that soon the problems which had been in place through three management changes, and the loot were wearing thin and could not cover all those who needed to be bought off, so their corrupt practices ended and they used my solutions sans crediting my authorship.

I recognized that my premonitions were not simply a battle against corruption and avarice of that place and time, but were cosmic reincarnation of the entirety of the events of the 1930’s and 1940’s which would return and sweep across the planet, emanating from the nation which defeated the Axis Powers-The USA which was once the White Knight of Justice, the one bright spot in the world, would become what they had destroyed. Therefore, I began to write and talk about that but until 2002, no one of my audience got it. Now many of them do. Life on Earth is an ancient Cosmic war-the Hindu’s were/are right. The Unenlightened, will always outnumber the Enlightened, because most the Enlightened move on and it takes eons and many lifetimes (1,000, according to the Hebrew God of the Old Testament) to attain and comprehend Enlightenment, as God intended. Purgatory and Hell are here on Earth, made by fools, by whose actions and words, have caused us all to suffer. That is the greatest pain for the Enlightened-living through what they knew from the beginning, could have been avoided, but few would heed their warnings. .

Now, with the final realization of my decades long battles, my long premonition, slow as I was to grasp it is meaning, I understood that the cosmic crisis would play out by/for each person individually, in one lifetime or another, until finally, they would either get it or run out of time-they would eventually either fail or succeed. They would know that the stupidity and idiocy of Homo-sapiens, would focus on Satan’s supplanting of the most important thing Jesus’ ever experienced, the all-important Rejection of the Temptation in the Wilderness, replacing it with the emphasis upon sexual behavior-a Satanic transubstantiation, thus perverting the most important message of God, which is the avoidance of shameless self-promotion, of the chase after dynastic wealth and the greatest evil which gives rise to, and underlies, all the rest of the Seven Deadly Sins and the Commandments, the Evil of Avarice. Instead replacing it with a focus on sexual behavior, (thus demeaning one of God’s gifts to humankind), and in one stroke both destroying that gift and ignoring the constant warnings of God against Avarice.

Human sexuality was not merely a gift of great joy, a slice of heaven, but also the reliever of self-doubt, and stress. In its absence men used to prove their worth, attempts at material, financial success. This in the face of the truth that the only thing of value a man possesses is an empathetic and moderate heart, a reflection of his soul. Thus tinkering with politics is, while making men feel like they are doing something, futile because the same events play out repeatedly throughout time.Having the courage to openly oppose evil, at the cost of one's peace and even life, is the only means of stopping evil and eliminating culpability. Peeking out here and there in the New Testament and the Old, are a few tidbits of truth, thoroughly misinterpreted and even then, misunderstood, which other religions, more ancient ones, knew and are also losing in the mad dash for fame, wealth and privilege.

Now and forward, my focus will far less on politics and onto what I do best, for what it is worth; thinking, writing and painting-none of which are all that great.

Stay tuned; there is more to come.

Posted by PETE BAGNOLO at 10:50 AM

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